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Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Photo Album Fakers

Recently, I saw a friend post in Facebook that he went Whale Shark hunting. Since I went to Donsol, Sorsogon to do the same thing a few years ago, I was excited to see his underwater photos/videos of the Whale Shark (locally known as the Butanding). I had naturally assumed he had an underwater digital camera.

I was so disappointed when I saw his albums, the Butanding shots were photo grabs from another website and taken by a professional photographer! These were mixed in with the friend's photos taken from his own camera. Did you ever notice that there are people on Facebook who create albums made up of other people's photos? The least you can do is give credit to who really took the photos. Or better yet, I'd best start putting watermarks on my photos 3:)

My first attempt in making a watermark AND a video grab

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